Bicarb (bicarbonate of soda or baking soda) is great to add to your laundry powder to freshen up your washing and is an economical way to bulk up your laundry powder, making your detergent last longer.
Bicarb can boost laundry powder efficiency for cleaner clothes, removes odours and helps to remove stains. Bicarb can also make clothes soft after washing and as a bonus can help to clean your washing machine.
Vinegar can also be added in the softener draw (added to the final rinse) to help clean clothes without harsh chemicals, deodorizes and loosens soap buildup by opening the fibres to refresh the fabrics. Vinegar is a great natural fabric softener. It can remove trapped body soil and excess detergent residue from the fibres, allowing them to breath. Vinegar can also help remove stains and stop colours from fading. Another benefit is that vinegar can also help clean your washing machine and its pipes.
It is important not to add bicarb and vinegar in the washing machine together as they will neutralise each other. They make a carbon dioxide gas together and if enough vinegar is added, the bicarb will disappear into the vinegar solution. In your laundry load, use them separately.
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